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Articles and resources covering leave management, employee time and attendance, absence management and more.

Category: Time-Off Roundup
timesheet rounding

Timesheet Rounding: Do it Right to Stay Compliant

Timesheet rounding is a widespread practice in companies everywhere that use timeclocks or apps for clocking in and clocking out. For the most

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Improving Retention with Paid Sabbaticals

Companies have come up with a whole host of different perks and benefits to entice employees into staying put for as long as

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Simple steps to managing time off requests

Time Off Requests

If you’re the person in a company tasked with managing the time off requests of employees, then you already know how frustrating and

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vacation time off news roundup

Time-off Round-up – Its time for some time off

The summer is here and vacation and time off is all the rage. What are your vacation plans? Is it time to finally

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